ALTIBASE® HDB™ Version 6 Release April 12, 2012/0 Comments/in News /by AltibaseAltibase hosts its release party for ALTIBASE® HDB™ at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Seoul, Korea
Sungkyungkwan University’s launch of the Smart TV SW Platform. April 11, 2012/0 Comments/in News /by AltibaseAltibase participates in the development of the SW technology infrastructure services with Samsung Electronics.
Altibase among other Korean companies are partner up with global companies March 19, 2012/0 Comments/in News /by AltibaseKorean domestic companies are partnering up with companies such as SAP, CommVault, and IBM in efforts to go global.
Seah Networks signs an exclusive contract Altibase DBMS March 12, 2012/0 Comments/in News /by AltibaseSeah Networks and Altibase entered an exclusive contract expanding both corporations’ overseas sales channels.
Fastest, Most Efficient Databases Imaginable with Altibase August 26, 2011/0 Comments/in News /by AltibaseAltibase is one of the 30 Korean software companies that was selected as worthy of global recognition in 2012. Fastest, Most Efficient Databases Imaginable with Altibase
30 Korean Software Worthy of Global Recognition in 2012 July 15, 2011/0 Comments/in News /by AltibaseThis article is a collaboration of KOSEA, Korea IT Times and Computer World 30 Korean Software Worthy of Global Recognition in 2012